Saturday 29 December 2012

Wednesday 12 December 2012


Biography of Muslim Ibn Aqil

Examining the Ridhwan Pledge

Did the prophet marry a nine-year old?

The incident of Ifk

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Ammar Nakshawani - Black Magic and Witchcraft in Islamic Thought

A great lecture which teaches us the importance of the ayat of the quran and how crucial it is that we trust the quran will protect us from harm and the envious people that hate the good in our lives. 
Ya Allah protect us from all magic and all things bad and evil.

Sunday 25 November 2012




VISIT (Latmiat and Moallid page)

More coming soon....

Friday 16 November 2012

Muharram has arrived!

On this blessed month, let us mourn our imam with full knowledge of his sacrifices and his commitment to this religion. Let us study his biography, in depth, so that when we go to the majalis held for his sake, we know him properly, and know how and what we can learn from him.

Labeyka Ya Hussain!

Saturday 10 November 2012

The youth in london...

The youth in london are doing an amazing thing that inspires us all to do the same. They started this organisation called "Who is Hussain" and they hanged leaflets, ads in the underground, websites, videos... all just to show people living in london and worldwide, not just muslims but people of all faiths, who our beloved imam really is, and how much he should be cherished and the wonders that we can learn from him.

Visit to see exactly what I am talking about.

Thursday 1 November 2012

Eid AlGhadeer on SATURDAY!

Before the lovely eid, here's a short video which serves as an explanation on what this eid is all about. ENJOY!

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Imam Muhammed Al-Baqir

Let us all study the life of our fifth imam on the night of his death, let us learn from his experiences and sacrifices. Let us mourn his death, knowing truly who he was, not just by name, but by his life, and how he lived it.

Friday 19 October 2012

Ahmed Bukhater - Last Breath


However, this video is very informative, and may give you that extra little push that you need to return to the right path. Watch it with an open heart, accept the truth, stay alert and do the right thing. I promise you that you will not regret it and you just might end up watching it a second, third maybe even fourth time. Ya Allah, keep us walking on the the right path, do not let the shaytan lead us astray, Ya Allah!!!

Monday 15 October 2012

The biography of Imam Muhammed Taqi A.S...

I advise everyone to listen to this lecture by Ammar Nakshawani on the biography of Imam Muhammed Taqi A.S on the anniversary of his death. 

It is only when we truly know our imams that we can sincerely mourn their deaths. 

Friday 28 September 2012


Coming soon, Ammar Nakshawani lectures on 14 Ma3soomeen's biographies! 

Sunday 19 August 2012

Ahmed Albawi - Ali Alkarar (Mawlood)

Eid Mubarak!

A big congratulations to everyone who persevered in this month and overcame all the obstacles the came in the way of fasting. Congratulations to those living in hot countries, only Allah knows how you had it with fasting and how hard it must have been. 

Tuesday 24 July 2012

The status of the daughter in Islam - Ammar Nakshawani

Questions and Answers by Sayed Rashid AlHussaini

This is a website where people post questions on fasting, praying and other matters and Sayed Rashid AlHussaini answers them in the best way ever. He answers them with plain facts and nothing more.

If you have a question then I would advise you to consider this option and rest assured that whatever answer he gives you is the right one and you can trust him on that.

A lovely poem...

Read this poem and see the way you are living your life, what direction are your actions taking you?

Life is very short, so break your silly ego, forgive quickly, believe slowly, love truly, laugh loudly & never avoid anything that makes you smile. 

When I woke up this morning lying in bed, I was asking myself; 
What are some of the secrets of success in life? 
I found the answer right there, in my very room. 
The Fan said.............Be Cool
The Roof said...........Aim High
The Window said.......See the World
The Clock said..........Every minute is precious
The Mirror said..........Reflect before you act
The Calender............Be up-to-date
The Door said............Push hard for your goals

Carry a Heart that Never Hates. 

Carry a Smile that Never Fades. 

Carry a Touch that Never Hurts.

Friday 20 July 2012

Ramadan Mubarak رمضان مبارك

Ramadan Kareem 

اللهم إجعل أخر يوم من شهر شعبان جابرة للقلوب ساترة للعيوب ماحية للذنوب مفرجة للكروب .. اللهم إن شوقنا لشهرك قد زاد فيارب لا تحرمنا وأحبتنا من صيامه وقيامه .. اللهم بلغنا شهر رمضان لا فاقدين ولا مفقودين .. أجاب الله لك

Thursday 12 July 2012

The Caravan of Pride - موكب الاباء

"The Caravan of Pride (Mawkeb-ul Abaa) is an eye-opening movie which skilfully portrays the heart wrenching series of events that unfolded after the martyrdom of Imam Hussain. After the massacre which took place on the plains of Karbala, the remaining members of the Family of the Holy Prophet (saw), who were not killed in the war, were taken captive and paraded in a humiliating and degrading fashion from Kufa (Iraq) to Shaam (Syria). 

After the Caravan were paraded through the most difficult of conditions, underwent the most excruciating pain and were afflicted with the greatest of torments, they were finally brought to Yazids Palace in Damascus, Syria. It was here, in the very stronghold of Yazid, that the light of Truth pierced through the dark veils of ignorance Satan had thrown over the eyes of the Muslim masses, it was here, under the eternally damned eyes of the tyrant Yazid, that Syeda Zainab, the daughter of the ever victorious Lion of Allah, Ali ibne abi-Talib, delivered a unparalleled, pivotal and crucial sermon which awoke the people of Damascus from their deep slumber of heedlessness and shook the foundation of the Umayyad Dynasty, sending it crumbling to the ground. It was here, that Imam Zain ul-Abideen, in such magnificent words of eloquence, informed the people of Damascus who exactly it was they were oppressing by telling them the relationship he holds with the Holy Prophet, his great grandfather. Thus was the revolution of Imam Hussain completed, a revolution against injustice, a revolution against tyranny, a revolution seeking honour over humiliation, truth over falsehood, courage over fright, righteousness over immorality, knowledge over ignorance, a revolution whose shockwaves continue to resonate thousands of years later, and a revolution, an eternal stand against corruption, which proves to be the source of inspiration for humanity at whole..."

Thursday 14 June 2012

The martyrdom of imam Mousa Alkadhum...

In a few days it will be the anniversary of the death of Imam Mousa Alkadhum. I've posted here a video from an Amaar Nakshawani lecture on our seventh imam. Take the time to learn about his life and the sacrifices that he made and all the pain and suffering that he had to go through.

Ammar Nakshawani - the sin and disease of lying

Sunday 3 June 2012

Imam Ali's birthday!!!

Imam ali: "Wisdom is a tree which grows in the heart and fruits on the tongue"

"الحكمة شجرة تنبت في القلب وتثمر على اللسان"

Here is a video lecture for Ammar Alnaqshawani on the biography of Imam Ali. Take the time today to watch this video and learn a few things from Ameer Almu'mineen. (Trust me you won't regret it) before the day of his birthday so you can celebrate his birthday tomorrow with some knowledge of the imam.

Thursday 31 May 2012

Bassim Al-Karbalaei - Yesajelny (باسم الكربلائي يسجلني)

Here's the video of the first lutum from the new album for Bassim Al-Karbalaei 'Yesajelny' that is about all the wonderful people that visit imam hussain every year, and not to mention all the extraodinary people that serve the visitors as they walk the long and dusty roads of Karbala.


Welcome to this blog, I hope you enjoy yourself here, this blog is welcome to everyone and  it is made by shia iraqis and will have shia content which we hope will not offend anyone as that is not the reason it is put here. We will have images, videos, music (Lutum, Mawalid, quran, lectures, etc.) and anything else seen appropriate.

We would appreciate it very much if you could give us your feedback or comment on items posted.

Many Thanks,

B and Z.